The Peace Poet is an epic saga following Ren through a magical, mystical, mythic world on a journey to prevent a war. But before you get started, take a minute to relax and feel happy as I'm sure you will feel relaxed and happy the entire time you are reading this novel. Now take a deep breath. Hold it for a few seconds. Now breathe in even deeper. Hold it. Now release and breathe normally. Now, notice four feelings or sensations... could be the feel of your palm touching your shorts perhaps... The ground beneath your feet... The feel of your shirt on your back... Good. Now three things you...
The Peace Poet is an epic saga following Ren through a magical, mystical, mythic world on a journey to prevent a war. But before you get started, take...
Once you get your Quote Book, place this inspirational book of quotes on your coffee table. Read one quote a day to set your mind each morning. Then, after you've been through all the pages, start again at one. Flip through the pages if you're feeling down to bring yourself back up. The motivational quotes in this great coffee table book will get you back on track. That's why this book of quotes is the best of the table top books. It consists of book quotes, quotes from famous philosophers, athletes, scientists, politicians, business leaders and inspirational minds. If you're considering...
Once you get your Quote Book, place this inspirational book of quotes on your coffee table. Read one quote a day to set your mind each morning. Then, ...