In Arabs and the Art of Storytelling, the eminent Moroccan literary historian and critic Kilito revisits and reassesses, in a modern critical light, many traditional narratives of the Arab world. He brings to such celebrated texts as A Thousand and One Nights, Kalila and Dimna, and Kitab al-Bukhala refreshing and iconoclastic insight, giving new life to classic stories that are often treated as fossilized and untouchable cultural treasures. For Arab scholars and readers, poetry has for centuries taken precedence, overshadowing narrative as a significant literary genre. Here,...
In Arabs and the Art of Storytelling, the eminent Moroccan literary historian and critic Kilito revisits and reassesses, in a modern critica...
This selection of Hassan Najmi's poems, translated by Mbarek Sryfi and Eric Sellin, provides an excellent introduction to the work of one of Morocco's foremost poets and to a school of modern verse emerging in the Arab World.
This selection of Hassan Najmi's poems, translated by Mbarek Sryfi and Eric Sellin, provides an excellent introduction to the work of one of Morocco's...