In the shadows of our society immortals live among mortals. Mysterious beings with powers beyond the comprehension of humans. These people are known as card holders and since the very beginning they have fought and some have even died for the greater good of others. But to all great forces of good there is always a dark side. The side of reverse, it corrupts, twist and controls the people who succumb to its temptations.
Card holders stood against the side of reverse in the first war of prophecy. But what if one of these heroic champions suddenly became the very evil he sought to...
In the shadows of our society immortals live among mortals. Mysterious beings with powers beyond the comprehension of humans. These people are know...
This book offers the first comprehensive guide to poster presentation at academic, scientific and professional conferences. Each chapter explores different factors that impact upon how posters function, and how they fit within today's conference practices, as well as provides guidance on how to address compilation and presentation issues with the poster medium. Drawing from fields of education, psychology, advertising and other areas, the book offers examples of how theories may be applied to practice in terms of both traditional paper and electronic poster formats. Importantly, the book...
This book offers the first comprehensive guide to poster presentation at academic, scientific and professional conferences. Each chapter explores d...