The Hallowed Treasures Saga continues with the eyes of the Thirteen Kingdoms on 18-year-old Princess Eluned and her Questers. Narrowly escaping death as a human sacrifice, the stakes are higher for Eluned. Reuniting the Thirteen Treasures promises to bring peace, but the Awen Alliance will do whatever it takes to stop the Quest.
The Hallowed Treasures Saga continues with the eyes of the Thirteen Kingdoms on 18-year-old Princess Eluned and her Questers. Narrowly escaping dea...
A princess and her eclectic companions must split up to continue their quest to collect 13 mythical treasures in this epic-fantasy sequel. The Questers must disguise their identities in order to travel to the far reaches of the Thirteen Kingdoms. Even a divinely inspired quest may require some of the group to give their lives to restore peace. Death's Dark Shadows is Book III of the Hallowed Treasures Saga by the author of Redemption.
A princess and her eclectic companions must split up to continue their quest to collect 13 mythical treasures in this epic-fantasy sequel. The Ques...