Kenna was born January 9, 2012 weighing in at a meager 9.6 ounces. She was born sixteen weeks too soon. After spending 183 days riding the roller coaster in Club NICU, she is finally home. This is our story of hope, finding happiness in unlikely places, and making the best of the life we have.
Kenna was born January 9, 2012 weighing in at a meager 9.6 ounces. She was born sixteen weeks too soon. After spending 183 days riding the roller coas...
After six months in the NICU, Kenna Claire Moore was finally big enough and healthy enough to come home. What did the next year of life hold for the world's fourth smallest surviving preemie? It was a year of challenges big and small, health concerns that had us rushing to the Pediatric ER, another surgery, therapies, doctor's appointments, and a list of goals that Kenna is achieving. If the 183 day hospital stay was about finding happiness in unexpected places and making the best of the life we had, this year was about finding balance, rearranging our priorities, and adjusting our attitudes...
After six months in the NICU, Kenna Claire Moore was finally big enough and healthy enough to come home. What did the next year of life hold for the w...