C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the fifth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics.' Andeluvia needs Dayna's talents again. When a fiery phoenix appears in the King's throne room, Dayna's called in to save the species before their flames gutter out. She must heed Albess Thea's warnings of treachery even as she travels to the mysterious Vale of the Seraphine with her centaur, fayleene, and griffin companions And Dame Chrissie's life just got even more complicated. Dayna finds out that she's been joined to the pathetic knightly...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the fifth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics.' A...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...as bestselling author Michael Angel presents the sixth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics.' Dame Chrissie's life isn't getting any easier. Dayna's heroics during the throne-room battle with the Noctua seem to have been forgotten. King Fitzwilliam's pressuring her to select a knight to represent her at the Spring Tournament. And to make matters worse, the Master Seer of the Soothsayer's Guild prophesizes imminent doom and disaster for the entire Kingdom A plea for help comes from the Centaur Realm. Just as these dark omens are brought to light,...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...as bestselling author Michael Angel presents the sixth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics.' Dame Chris...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the seventh installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics'. Dayna's got to solve an unusually gristly homicide. Dayna arrives at a Los Angeles mansion to solve a murder where the victim's been torn to pieces by a mysterious new type of weapon. Her worst suspicions are triggered when she finds a nightmarish clue as to who designed it. King Fitzwilliam's court reaches the boiling point. Protests erupt at the arrival of a centauress warrior for the upcoming Spring Tournament. Worse, the kingdom's poised to...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the seventh installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics'....