The mischievous tale of Chilli the Chimp, who likes to play pranks on his jungle friends. This is the first volume in the animal themed "Paws for Tails" series - written by Nigel Measures, illustrated by Andy Case, and edited by Angela Garry.
The mischievous tale of Chilli the Chimp, who likes to play pranks on his jungle friends. This is the first volume in the animal themed "Paws for Tail...
Freckle is a young fox who thinks he doesn't need to take heed of what others tell him - he's fine following his own advice. But is he really? This is the second volume in the animal themed "Paws for Tails" series - written by Nigel Measures, illustrated by Andy Case, and edited by Angela Garry.
Freckle is a young fox who thinks he doesn't need to take heed of what others tell him - he's fine following his own advice. But is he really? This is...