"What is life - a dream, a nightmare or a fading memory?" Over a millennia ago the apocalyptic event Belial forced the abandonment of Earth. This complete exodus led to the foundation of new colonies and civilizations on distant worlds. Beyond Earth, amidst the stars, humans have spread out across the galaxy. The human race continues to survive and evolve. Individuals with extraordinary abilities have emerged throughout society, capable of performing amazing feats with their minds. These Psionics bear a great burden to use the powers responsibly - but with such power comes even greater fear....
"What is life - a dream, a nightmare or a fading memory?" Over a millennia ago the apocalyptic event Belial forced the abandonment of Earth. This comp...
A small guide to help you prepare for your next big job interview. You've done the work on your resume and cover letter and it paid off. Now you have the big interview coming up. This small guide will give you what you need to get ready to wow your interviewers. This guide covers how to prepare for the interview, where to gather information on the company and position from, how to dress, the 25 most common interview questions, what questions you should be asking during the interview, the STAR method of answering interview questions, types of interviews you may face, and much more.
A small guide to help you prepare for your next big job interview. You've done the work on your resume and cover letter and it paid off. Now you have ...