Joachim Duyndam Anna-Marie J. a. C. M. Korte Marcel Poorthuis
Sacrifice seems to belong to a religious context of the past. In Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity it is demonstrated how sacrificial themes remain an essential element in our post-modern society. The shaping of community, performing rituals and the search for identity, three main characteristics of traditional sacrifice, are dynamics of our modern times as well which cannot be understood without sacrificial awareness. This is demonstrated in such areas as the German poet Holderlin, Harry Potter, martyrdom, the Twilight Saga, the Japanese writer Endo, Tarkovsky,...
Sacrifice seems to belong to a religious context of the past. In Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity it is demonstrated how sac...
Bob E. J. H. Becking Anna-Marie J. a. C. M. Korte Lucien Liere
Religion is a hot topic on the public stages of secular societies, not in its individualized liberal or orthodox form, but rather as a public statement, challenging the divide between the secular neutral space and the religious. In this new challenging modus, religion raises questions about identity, power, rationality, subjectivity, law and safety, but above all: religion questions, contests and even blurs the borders between the public and the private. These phenomena urge to rethink what are often considered to be clear differences between religions, between the public and the private and...
Religion is a hot topic on the public stages of secular societies, not in its individualized liberal or orthodox form, but rather as a public statemen...