The contributors to Grandparenting in the United States, edited by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Ynesse Abdul-Malak of Syracuse University, use a variety of quantitative and qualitative data sets to assess how grandparenting, and its impacts, vary by living arrangements, economic status, education, gender, race, ethnicity, and other stratifying variables. Some papers assess how the provision of financial assistance, particularly during economic downturns, may be easily absorbed or financially detrimental. Others demonstrate how immigrant grandparents navigate multiple sets of cultural...
The contributors to Grandparenting in the United States, edited by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Ynesse Abdul-Malak of Syracuse University, us...
The contributors to Grandparenting in the United States, edited by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Ynesse Abdul-Malak of Syracuse University, use a variety of quantitative and qualitative data sets to assess how grandparenting, and its impacts, vary by living arrangements, economic status, education, gender, race, ethnicity, and other stratifying variables. Some papers assess how the provision of financial assistance, particularly during economic downturns, may be easily absorbed or financially detrimental. Others demonstrate how immigrant grandparents navigate multiple sets of cultural...
The contributors to Grandparenting in the United States, edited by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Ynesse Abdul-Malak of Syracuse University, us...