After a massive wave of disappearances, twenty-six-year-old CIA analyst, Everett Carroll, finally believes what he's been told about the biblical prophecy of the rapture. But will he be able to survive the gauntlet of destruction known as the Great Tribulation? Seven seals, seven trumpets and seven vials of God's wrath are about to be poured out upon the earth, and woe to the inhabitants thereof Global currencies have collapsed, famine and plague have claimed the lives of millions, and the world has crumbled into chaos. The only reason Everett and his girlfriend, Courtney, have survived the...
After a massive wave of disappearances, twenty-six-year-old CIA analyst, Everett Carroll, finally believes what he's been told about the biblical prop...
Danny Walker's survival retreat has been devastated by violence since the detonation of the EMP. A megalomaniacal warlord has stepped in to fill the vacuum of authority left by the utter collapse of society. Regent Schlusser's designs on absolute power have already brought him to Danny's doorstep once, leaving a trail of blood and heartbreak in his wake. Another conflict with the malicious dictator will spell certain death for the remaining members of the compound. Danny's only hope is to infiltrate Schlusser's camp and bring him down from the inside. It's a risky proposition. If he is...
Danny Walker's survival retreat has been devastated by violence since the detonation of the EMP. A megalomaniacal warlord has stepped in to fill the v...
Rescaling the state provides a theoretically-informed and empirically-rich account of the process of devolution undertaken in the UK since 1997, focusing in particular on the devolution of economic governance. Using case studies from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, the book examines the purported reasons for, and the unintended consequences of, devolution. As well as comparing policy and practice across the four devolved territories, the book also explores the pitfalls and instances of good practice associated with devolution in the UK.
Rescaling the state is an important...
Rescaling the state provides a theoretically-informed and empirically-rich account of the process of devolution undertaken in the UK since 1997, focus...
Everett and Courtney Carroll have survived the Seven Seal Judgments which devastated the planet through a global earthquake and a massive bombardment of meteors. The cities of the earth lie in ruin and much of the globe's forests have been destroyed by widespread forest fires. But have their efforts to stay alive been in vain? The next series of judgments to fall upon the earth are known as the Seven Trumpets. Within this series of cataclysms is the earth's collision with a giant asteroid, known as Wormwood. The comet will poison much of the planet's fresh water supplies, making survival near...
Everett and Courtney Carroll have survived the Seven Seal Judgments which devastated the planet through a global earthquake and a massive bombardment ...
Here Mark Goodwin becomes involved with animals & ground, as well as people ... Poems as clunk-&-puff-of-dirt ... creaturely elongation of speed ... a fog-hollow of corrie ... chalk-hooves flint-ringing ... Attempts to free amazement and pin-point sharp where we are ...
Here Mark Goodwin becomes involved with animals & ground, as well as people ... Poems as clunk-&-puff-of-dirt ... creaturely elongation of speed ... a...