This book makes a consolidated guided tour to the world of sociorobots (social or socialized robots).
Sociorobots and assistive robots provide entertainment, assistance to the handicapped, companionship to the elderly and health care to autistic children and people with dementia. The book provides, in a fluent educational way, all major concepts, architectures and design methodologies. All types of sociorobots are examined, namely walking anthropomorphic, wheeled anthropomorphic, fixed-place anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sociorobots. The book provides an outline of sociorobot...
This book makes a consolidated guided tour to the world of sociorobots (social or socialized robots).
This volume explores the ethical questions that arise in the development, creation and use of robots that are capable of semiautonomous or autonomous decision making and human-like action.
This volume explores the ethical questions that arise in the development, creation and use of robots that are capable of semiautonomous or autonomous ...
Systems, cybernetics, control, and automation (SCCA) are four interrelated and overlapping scientific and technological fields that have contributed substantially to the development, growth, and progress of human society. A large number of models, methods, and tools were developed that assure high efficiency of SCCA applied to practical situations
Systems, cybernetics, control, and automation (SCCA) are four interrelated and overlapping scientific and technological fields that have contributed s...