100 Jahre nach Einsteins Arbeit zur Relativitatstheorie ist der Beweis fur die Existenz von Gravitationswellen eine Sensation. Die angesehenen Wissenschaftler Domenico Giulini und Claus Kiefer geben in diesem essential einen kompakten Uberblick uber dieses Phanomen der theoretischen Physik und uber die indirekten und die kurzlich gelungenen direkten Nachweise von Gravitationswellen. Vorhergesagt durch die Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie, entstehen sie in hochenergetischen astrophysikalischen Prozessen und liefern wertvolle Informationen uber Supernovae und die Kollision schwarzer...
100 Jahre nach Einsteins Arbeit zur Relativitatstheorie ist der Beweis fur die Existenz von Gravitationswellen eine Sensation. Die angesehenen Wiss...
Claus Kiefer Anna Katharina Hudert Sebastian Linden
The work published by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) in 1935 is a classic in modern physics. It discusses, for the first time, the central feature of the quantum theory: entanglement. In general, systems are intertwined with each other in nature; that is, they have only one common, non-divisible state. This fact is responsible for all the oddities commonly associated with quantum theory, including the famous thought experiments with Schrödinger’s cat and Wigner’s friend. The entanglement of quantum mechanics plays a central role in experiments with atoms and photons (Nobel Prize 2012...
The work published by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) in 1935 is a classic in modern physics. It discusses, for the first time, the central feature...
Quantum theory is at the foundation of the physical description of our world. One of the people who contributed significantly to our conceptual understanding of this theory was Heinz-Dieter Zeh (1932-2018). He was the pioneer of the process of decoherence, through which the classical appearance of our world can be understood. This volume presents a collection of essays dedicated to his memory, written by distinguished scientists and scholars. They cover all aspects of the interpretation of quantum theory in general and the quantum-to-classical transition in particular. This volume provides...
Quantum theory is at the foundation of the physical description of our world. One of the people who contributed significantly to our conceptual unders...