In this modern day parable, SomebunnyToLove, a young girl discovers the highest form of love while suffering the loss of her two pet rabbits, Geisha and Thumper. Through the patient and loving guidance of her parents, Charlotte begins to understand and then apply, a most valuable lesson in life -- that real love is not a feeling, but an act. "Andtheactoflovingisalwaysworth...
"Somebunny To Love is absolutely wonderful Somehow Lisa Soland was able to capture the true meaning of love in both a practical and Biblical way that is so simple yet so profound. Your children will not only enjoy the heartfelt story of love between a child and her pet, but they will also understand what the true meaning of love really is. I highly recommend this book for both young and old "
- Mark Kirk, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Knoxville
What people are saying about Somebunny To Love...
"Somebunny To Love is absolutely wonderful Somehow Lisa Sol...