"Dios te dio un espiritu con alas para que te remontes por el vasto firmamento del Amor y la Libertad." Monse es una nina de 15 anos que, al igual que otros 30.000 jovenes scouts, comparten el inicio del ano 1999 en el Jamboree. Sin embargo, ella no se imagina que empezara aqui una travesia que marcara su vida para siempre. Un viaje lleno de obstaculos y dificultades, pero tambien con decenas de ciudades, cientos de personas y miles de experiencias en el camino. Son 27 anos de una vida fundida con el guidismo y el escultismo, con un destino claro; el reencuentro con Lucky... Atrapante,...
"Dios te dio un espiritu con alas para que te remontes por el vasto firmamento del Amor y la Libertad." Monse es una nina de 15 anos que, al igual que...
"God has given you a spirit with wings on which to soar into the spacious firmament of love and freedom." Monse is a 15 year old girl, who like other 30.000 Guides and Scouts shares the beginning of the year 1999 at the Jamboree. However she did not imagine that here she would start a journey that will mark her life forever. A journey full of obstacles and difficulties but also dozens of cities, hundreds of travels and thousands of experiences along the way. These 27 years of Guiding and Scouting are fused with a clear destination in life.... Reuniting with Lucky. Compelling, emotive, but...
"God has given you a spirit with wings on which to soar into the spacious firmament of love and freedom." Monse is a 15 year old girl, who like other ...