Colin Franks is a retired herdsman, his working life having been split between Yorkshire and Norfolk. He is also a keen naturalist, gardener and artist. This book is a selection of his favorite works from diaries spanning decades. Some entries are personal to him and the Franks family. Some detail British and Australian wildlife. And some detail prominant historical events.
Colin Franks is a retired herdsman, his working life having been split between Yorkshire and Norfolk. He is also a keen naturalist, gardener and artis...
Colin Franks is a retired herdsman, a keen artist and a learned naturalist. This is the second volume of his Nature Diaries, and, as with the last, includes his favorite pieces of artwork. It also includes the poetry of his late wife Valerie, a nurse in her working life, and a keen supporter and editor of his work Also included is a little bit more of the Franks family history, something that some people might find interesting
Colin Franks is a retired herdsman, a keen artist and a learned naturalist. This is the second volume of his Nature Diaries, and, as with the last, in...