U. S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Sandia National Laboratories
Threats are generally much easier to list than to describe, and much easier to describe than to measure. As a result, many organizations list threats. Fewer describe them in useful terms, and still fewer measure them in meaningful ways. This is particularly true in the dynamic and nebulous domain of cyber threats-a domain that tends to resist easy measurement and, in some cases, appears to defy any measurement. We believe the problem is tractable. In this report we describe threat metrics and models for characterizing threats consistently and unambiguously.
Threats are generally much easier to list than to describe, and much easier to describe than to measure. As a result, many organizations list threats....
U. S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy Penny Hill Press
This document serves as a program plan for NETL's Carbon Capture research and development (R&D) effort, which is conducted under the CCRP's CCS and Power Systems program area. The program plan describes the Carbon Capture R&D efforts in 2013 and beyond. Program planning is a strategic process that helps an organization envision the future; build on known needs and capabilities; create a shared understanding of program challenges, risks, and potential benefits; and develop strategies to overcome the challenges and risks, and realize the benefits. The result of this process is a technology...
This document serves as a program plan for NETL's Carbon Capture research and development (R&D) effort, which is conducted under the CCRP's CCS and Po...