Sergeant Dusty Hill returns in the second installment of the Larkwood Series. What starts out as a simple case turns into an even bigger problem for Dusty. Seems something evil has been going on at the Elysium space colony which leads Dusty to a meeting with her brother Richard Hill who is a Marine Captain also there on a secret mission to find out who killed his general's daughter. The case heats up when Dusty and Richard along with Dusty's now fiancee Captain Quientin Blackmore, Cody Greene and Lottie Schale investigate at Elysium and find that a terrorist plot has ties within Larkwood...
Sergeant Dusty Hill returns in the second installment of the Larkwood Series. What starts out as a simple case turns into an even bigger problem for D...
The Dutton Trial is a follow-up to Trials and Tribulations which is also set in the fictional twenty-second-century city of Larkwood, Illinois. Seargent Dusty Hill returns as the high-profile trial of Lucas Dutton is coming up. Dusty is called in to investigate the suspicious death of a possible witness to this trial. It turns into a non-stop chase for two killers who have no qualms about even killing an innocent woman just to take her identity. As the bodies start to mount Dusty's health comes into play as she overworks herself to find these killers. As she chases these killers, with the...
The Dutton Trial is a follow-up to Trials and Tribulations which is also set in the fictional twenty-second-century city of Larkwood, Illinois. Searge...