An aura is a halo of energy that surrounds the body of a living being. This can be anything from animals, to plants, to of course, humans. You have an aura, and so does every other person in the world. You sense these already, even if you may not be aware of it. You have probably noticed that around certain people, you feel good seemingly without effort. You might also have noticed, in the past, that certain people make you feel drained or negative. This is because of what is in their aura. Although we are all constantly affected by this and reading these phenomena subconsciously, it helps to...
An aura is a halo of energy that surrounds the body of a living being. This can be anything from animals, to plants, to of course, humans. You have an...
Chakras are centers of energy throughout your body, and each has its own specific and important function. The chakras are represented by differing colors, and most people tend to operate from one at a time, or two or three at a time, by default. Learning how to keep these in balance will ensure that you have a healthy and positive life, and this book is a great place to start your journey. In this guide about chakras, you will learn: -What each Chakra is Responsible for: Each energy center of your body is responsible for differing functions, such as your will power or verbal expressions....
Chakras are centers of energy throughout your body, and each has its own specific and important function. The chakras are represented by differing col...
The law of attraction is one of the fundamental laws that govern our universe, it is one of the most influential and it directly influences our lives. The law means that like attracts like, and because the universe is made up of vibrations and energies, that is what will manifest. This happens whether we want it to or not, so it is really in our best interest to learn how to make it work in our favor. Learning to control your thoughts and emotions will increase your positive vibration energy which will lead to attracting circumstances and people that will help you manifest your dreams....
The law of attraction is one of the fundamental laws that govern our universe, it is one of the most influential and it directly influences our lives....
Mindfulness is gaining popularity all over the world for its munificent benefits. It is known to be the ultimate stress, depression and anxiety killer. It is known to be the highway to joy, happiness, positivity and well-being. Regular practitioners of mindfulness are known to possess "the secret superpower" that gives them complete control of their life, enhances their decision making abilities and helps them enjoy the present to the fullest. Countless studies have reinforced the fact that mindfulness can be a life changer. It can completely transform the way you think, feel and experience...
Mindfulness is gaining popularity all over the world for its munificent benefits. It is known to be the ultimate stress, depression and anxiety killer...
Do you want to live a life of your dreams by bringing about a simple change in your thought process? Do you realize the power to create a life of your dreams or to transform your life lies within your mind? Have you imagined changing your circumstances by bringing about a shift in the thinking pattern? Positive Thinking: The Secret To Reprogramming Your Mind For Maximum Happiness tells you exactly how you can use the phenomenal power of your thoughts to attract health, wealth, relationships and live a life of your dreams. Here's what's in store for you - * Power packed Tips on Using the Law...
Do you want to live a life of your dreams by bringing about a simple change in your thought process? Do you realize the power to create a life of your...