"U-Boat War in Photos" volume 1 (U-1 through U-29) The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuously running battle in the history of war. The German U-Bootfahrer were some of the most honorable fighters in the war despite wartime propaganda to the contrary. They did not machine gun men in the water but rather, they helped struggling survivors of the sunken ships in the early years. After 'Black May' of 1943 when the German codes were broken and 'Huff-Duff' (or High Frequency Directional Finder = HFDF) came on the scene and U-Boats did not dare linger on the surface did the U-Boats...
"U-Boat War in Photos" volume 1 (U-1 through U-29) The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuously running battle in the history of war. The G...