Our Unique, Special Military all Female Super Heroic crime-fighting unit, is created to give Honor, acknowledgment, Credit, Wisdom, Satisfaction; to all of those females around the world, through these adventures of the elite special forces of the (c)G.i.J.i.M.O.M. Unit. (c)G.i.J.i.M.O.M. A UNIQUE SPECIAL FIGHTING FORCE OF MULTI-HEROIC WOMEN, WHO CHOSE TO DEDICATE THEIR LIVES AND SACRIFICED MUCH FOR THE BETTERMENT OF HUMANKIND, WORLD WIDE, G.= Girls Going I.= International for J.= Justice and I.= Investigative M.= Mothers O.=ON M.= Major M.= Missions "(c)G.i.J.i.M.O.M.&quo
Our Unique, Special Military all Female Super Heroic crime-fighting unit, is created to give Honor, acknowledgment, Credit, Wisdom, Satisfaction; to a...