This brand new edition of the bestselling 50 Psychology Classics includes new classics like Thinking, Fast and Slow; Quiet and The Marshmallow Test.
In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century, 50 Psychology Classics looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self.
50 Psychology Classics explores writings from some iconic figures such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Skinner, James, Piaget and Pavlov,...
This brand new edition of the bestselling 50 Psychology Classics includes new classics like Thinking, Fast and Slow; Quiet and
Bringing you the essential ideas, insights and techniques from 50 legendary works from Lao-Tzu to Benjamin Franklin to Paulo Coelho, 50 Self-Help Classics is a unique guide to the great works of life transformation.
Bringing you the essential ideas, insights and techniques from 50 legendary works from Lao-Tzu to Benjamin Franklin to Paulo Coelho, 50 Self-Help Clas...
50 Spiritual Classics captures the diversity of life journeys that span centuries, continents, spiritual traditions and secular beliefs: from the historical The Book of Chuang Tzu to modern insight from the Kabbalah, from Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet to Eckhart Tolle's recent The Power of Now.
50 Spiritual Classics captures the diversity of life journeys that span centuries, continents, spiritual traditions and secular beliefs: from the hist...