This is the tale of a little girl named Samantha Beth, a wizard named Arthur, dragons, and how the power of love brought them all together. If you believe in magic and the power of love, you too can make a snapdragon part their lips and hear the echoes of Max's last roar.
This is the tale of a little girl named Samantha Beth, a wizard named Arthur, dragons, and how the power of love brought them all together. If you bel...
This is the tale of a little girl named Samantha Beth, a wizard named Arthur, dragons, and how the power of love brought them all together. If you believe in magic and the power of love, you too can make a snapdragon part their lips and hear the echoes of Max's last roar.
This is the tale of a little girl named Samantha Beth, a wizard named Arthur, dragons, and how the power of love brought them all together. If you bel...