Ideal for study in schools, this abridged version of Hamlet has been specially created to make the play more accessible to a younger audience without taking anything away from the amazing story which unfolds. All the essential elements of the play remain completely intact: the plot and subplots remain coherent, characters are fully developed and all the text is original. It still contains everything an English teacher would want to see in order to carry out a detailed study and its major speeches have been left untouched. This is a version that young people will enjoy, providing an ideal...
Ideal for study in schools, this abridged version of Hamlet has been specially created to make the play more accessible to a younger audience without ...
Hamlet es probablemente la obra mas famosa de la literatura occidental y una de las obras literarias que ha originado mayor numero de traducciones, analisis, y comentarios criticos. Es el mas extenso drama de Shakespeare, y se encuentra entre las mas influyentes y principales tragedias en lengua inglesa. Durante la vida de Shakespeare, fue uno de sus trabajos mas reconocidos y aun hoy perdura entre las obras que han gozado de mayor numero de representaciones, encabezando, por ejemplo, la lista de la Compania Real de Shakespeare desde 1879. Dadas la estructura dramatica de la obra, la...
Hamlet es probablemente la obra mas famosa de la literatura occidental y una de las obras literarias que ha originado mayor numero de traducciones, an...
Se piensa que Shakespeare escribio esta obra aproximadamente entre 1601 y 1605, junto con la titulada "Medida por medida," a estas dos obras se les llamo "comedias oscuras" por el hecho de no entrar en ninguna categoria y tener un final que se pueda decir inteligible y enigmatico. La accion de esta obra esta situada en lugares que al autor le parecian exoticos: Paris, Florencia y el Rosellon. Los temas que se abordan son el amor y el poder. Los dos personajes centrales, Elena y Beltran, tratan de encontrar el mecanismo apropiado para llegar al objeto de su deseo. Se da a conocer al espectador...
Se piensa que Shakespeare escribio esta obra aproximadamente entre 1601 y 1605, junto con la titulada "Medida por medida," a estas dos obras se les ll...
SCENE I. A room in Calverly Hall. Enter Oliver and Ralph, two servingmen.] OLIVER. Sirrah Ralph, my young Mistress is in such a pitiful passionate humor for the long absence of her love- RALPH. Why, can you blame her? why, apples hanging longer on the tree then when they are ripe makes so many fallings; viz., Mad wenches, because they are not gathered in time, are fain to drop of them selves, and then tis Common you know for every man to take em up. OLIVER. Mass, thou sayest true, Tis common indeed: but, sirrah, is neither our young master returned, nor our fellow Sam come from London?...
SCENE I. A room in Calverly Hall. Enter Oliver and Ralph, two servingmen.] OLIVER. Sirrah Ralph, my young Mistress is in such a pitiful passionate hu...
Othello--a play full of secret marriage, evil villains, and revenge It's often credited as one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies . But if your like many people, you just don't get it If you don't understand Shakespeare, then you are not alone. If you have struggled in the past reading Shakespeare, then we can help you out. Our books and apps have been used and trusted by millions of students worldwide. Plain and Simple English books, let you see both the original and the modern text (modern text is underneath in italics)--so you can enjoy Shakespeare, but have help if you get stuck on a...
Othello--a play full of secret marriage, evil villains, and revenge It's often credited as one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies . But if your like...