The main theme to the Questions raised in this book consider We the People of Faith and Belief Recognizing the Teachings of the Christian Church differ from the Spoken Words of Jesus Christ Written Down as it is translated in the King James Bible
The main theme to the Questions raised in this book consider We the People of Faith and Belief Recognizing the Teachings of the Christian Church diffe...
God said Let There Be Light and color followed. Colors have been here since the beginning of man. Its laws and control over human life you most over stand.
God said Let There Be Light and color followed. Colors have been here since the beginning of man. Its laws and control over human life you most over s...
Facts and Theories From Science of the Past, Preset, and Future, What is to happen in the Future that has happened in the past are proven in the Bible as One continued truth of Creation and Our existence. Bringing Science and Religion together as one fact
Facts and Theories From Science of the Past, Preset, and Future, What is to happen in the Future that has happened in the past are proven in the Bible...