Rose, the Acadie Fairy Princess is a fantasy story about a young girl turning thirteen who finds she has unexplainable powers. Rose and her dog Gabriel set out on the adventure of their lives to save a lost Acadian world using her gifts. Readers will learn about early life, culture and every day activities that the Acadian people adapted for their life in the new world of Louisiana. Rose, Evangeline, Patrique, and Gabriel must use each of their powers to defeat a evil oil baron and evade the Feu Follet, the evil Acadie Fairy. Readers will also experience the thrill of adventure againist...
Rose, the Acadie Fairy Princess is a fantasy story about a young girl turning thirteen who finds she has unexplainable powers. Rose and her dog Gab...
Rose, the Acadie Fairy Princess is a fantasy story about a young girl turning thirteen who finds she has unexplainable powers. Rose and her dog Gabriel set out on the adventure of their lives to save a lost Acadian world using her gifts. Readers will learn about early life, culture and every day activities that the Acadian people adapted for their life in the new world of Louisiana. Rose, Evangeline, Patrique, and Gabriel must use each of their powers to defeat a evil oil baron and evade the Feu Follet, the evil Acadie Fairy. Readers will also experience the thrill of adventure againist...
Rose, the Acadie Fairy Princess is a fantasy story about a young girl turning thirteen who finds she has unexplainable powers. Rose and her dog Gab...