How to transform student learning with iPad Tablets have been hailed as the biggest revolution in education since the printing press, but years since the launch of the iPad why has so little in education changed? Many point to the fact that they're just the latest educational fad, or that their benefits have been oversold. Others call for a return to the traditional methods of teaching, but on the periphery you see schools achieving incredible things with iPads. Schools like ESSA Academy, The de Ferrers Academy and Hove Park all reporting record student results within just a few years of...
How to transform student learning with iPad Tablets have been hailed as the biggest revolution in education since the printing press, but years since ...
Teachers are the core of every school. The future of students' lives are in their hands, so why is it that when it comes to technology, teachers are at the back of the queue. The explosion of paperwork has overwhelmed schools, and lacking the right technologies, teachers have been left to face the full force of it. Overworked and under-supported, teachers aren't able to excel and neither are students. It's time to rethink how we use technology in education if we are to truly revolutionise our schools. It's time to REBOOT
Teachers are the core of every school. The future of students' lives are in their hands, so why is it that when it comes to technology, teachers are a...