Bob Kobielush, former president of Christian Camp and Conference Association writes in his foreword:
"Here is a straight-forward and highly informative book that must be read by those who are serious participants in, or looking at involvement with, a Christian camp, conference or retreat center.
Based on his success of growing a camp from 80 to 880 beds over 29 years, Earl Taylor gives you leadership and management gems of wisdom that only can be articulated by someone who has been there. AND he says it in a no-nonsense, forthright manner that jolts, resonates and may even cause you...
Bob Kobielush, former president of Christian Camp and Conference Association writes in his foreword:
Harvard Business Review's classic article, "7 Surprises for the New CEO," is a wake-up call for both corporate and nonprofit leaders - including camp directors. Surprise Number Five is a shocker: "You Are Not the Boss." Few articles and books equal the honesty and warnings from these co-authors.
John Pearson writes in his foreword:
Harvard Business Review's classic article, "7 Surprises for the New CEO," is a wake-up call for both corpor...