The Woman in White is Wilkie Collins' fifth published novel, written in 1859. It is considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely regarded as one of the first (and finest) in the genre of "sensation novels." The story is sometimes considered an early example of detective fiction with protagonist Walter Hartright employing many of the sleuthing techniques of later private detectives. The use of multiple narrators (including nearly all the principal characters) draws on Collins's legal training, and as he points out in his Preamble: "the story here presented will be told by more...
The Woman in White is Wilkie Collins' fifth published novel, written in 1859. It is considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely rega...
Lo prohibido es una novela del escritor espanol Benito Perez Galdos publicada en dos tomos en noviembre de 1884 y marzo de 1885, dentro del ciclo de las "Novelas espanolas contemporaneas." Se trata de una de las obras menos conocidas de Galdos, cuya accion, casi contemporanea a su publicacion (comienza en 1880 y concluye en 1884), transcurre en el Madrid de goce y especulacion que acompano los ultimos anos del reinado de Alfonso XII. Una insolita incursion en el mundo de las finanzas en "la capital del reino sometida al capital." Un Madrid que impregna la narracion a traves del nucleo...
Lo prohibido es una novela del escritor espanol Benito Perez Galdos publicada en dos tomos en noviembre de 1884 y marzo de 1885, dentro del ciclo de l...
UN VIAJE DE NOVIOS (1881) supuso una primera aproximacion de EMILIA PARDO BAZAN (1851-1921) a los dominios del realismo-naturalismo. A caballo entre la novela y el cuaderno de viaje, la obra narra las ingratas consecuencias del desatinado matrimonio entre un funcionario oportunista y cuarenton y una joven provinciana e inexperta, Lucia, quien, tras la union, no tarda en verse sometida al creciente divorcio entre deseo y realidad."
UN VIAJE DE NOVIOS (1881) supuso una primera aproximacion de EMILIA PARDO BAZAN (1851-1921) a los dominios del realismo-naturalismo. A caballo entre l...
White Fang is a novel by American author Jack London (1876-1916) - and the name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolfdog. It was published in 1906. The story takes place in Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush and details White Fang's journey to domestication. It is a companion novel (and a thematic mirror) to London's best-known work, The Call of the Wild, which is about a kidnapped, domesticated dog embracing his wild ancestry to survive and thrive in the wild. Much of White Fang is written from the viewpoint of the titular...
White Fang is a novel by American author Jack London (1876-1916) - and the name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolfdog. It was published in...
South Sea Tales (1911) is a collection of short stories written by Jack London. Most stories are set in island communities, like those of Hawaii, or are set aboard a ship. The stories that comprise South Sea Tales derive their intensity from the author's own far-flung adventures, conveying an impassioned, unsparing vision borne only of experience. The powerful tales gathered here vividly evoke the turn of the century colonial Pacific and its capricious tropical landscape, while also trenchantly observing the delicate interplay between imperialism and the exotic.
South Sea Tales (1911) is a collection of short stories written by Jack London. Most stories are set in island communities, like those of Hawaii, or a...
Cuando Tristan de Leonis, Caballero de la Tabla redonda, e Iseo la Morena, reina del pais de Cornualla, hubieron exhalado a un tiempo el ultimo suspiro (siendo muy ardua faena el desenlazar sus cuerpos estrechamente abrazados), al pie de un espino cubierto el ano todo de blanca flor, en las landas de Bretana, pais de encantamiento, se celebro un conciliabulo de fadas para tratar de la suerte del hijo que habian dejado los dos amantes."
Cuando Tristan de Leonis, Caballero de la Tabla redonda, e Iseo la Morena, reina del pais de Cornualla, hubieron exhalado a un tiempo el ultimo suspir...
Seraphita est un roman francais d'Honore de Balzac, publie en 1834. Le roman figure dans les Etudes philosophiques de la Comedie humaine. L' uvre plonge dans le fantastique, le surnaturel meme, un genre que Balzac a toujours aborde avec succes. Le theme de l'androgynie, qu'il aborde ici, ramene au mythe antique de la perfection humaine: l'androgyne etant l'etre total. Ce theme de l'androgyne a ete aborde chez plusieurs personnages. Par ce recit, Balzac vise a secouer l'apathie religieuse d'un peuple indifferent ou incredule. La lecon qui s'en degage est la suivante: L'homme doit tendre a Dieu...
Seraphita est un roman francais d'Honore de Balzac, publie en 1834. Le roman figure dans les Etudes philosophiques de la Comedie humaine. L' uvre plon...
Tommy and Grizel is the follow up to Sentimental Tommy, considered one of his most revealing and outstanding prose works. The two books are thought to have a Peter Pan quality to them. The book begins: O. P. Pym, the colossal Pym, that vast and rolling figure, who never knew what he was to write about until he dipped grandly, an author in such demand that on the foggy evening which starts our story his publishers have had his boots removed lest he slip thoughtlessly round the corner before his work is done, as was the great man's way-shall we begin with him or with Tommy, who has just arrived...
Tommy and Grizel is the follow up to Sentimental Tommy, considered one of his most revealing and outstanding prose works. The two books are thought to...
The Adventures of Roderick Random is a picaresque novel by Tobias Smollett, first published in 1748. It is partially based on Smollett's experience as a naval-surgeon's mate in the British Navy, especially during the Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741 The novel is set in the 1730s and 1740s and tells the life story (in the first person) of Roderick "Rory" Random, who was born to a Scottish gentleman and a lower-class woman and is thus shunned by his father's family. His mother dies soon after giving birth and his father is driven mad with grief. Random's paternal grandfather coerces a...
The Adventures of Roderick Random is a picaresque novel by Tobias Smollett, first published in 1748. It is partially based on Smollett's experience as...
Jacques le fataliste et son maitre est un dialogue philosophique (entre Jacques et son maitre) de Denis Diderot dont l'ecriture s'etend de 1765 jusqu'a la mort de ce dernier en 1784. Multipliant les rebondissements invraisemblables, tout comme les interruptions oiseuses d'un narrateur exasperant et omnipresent, le roman raille ouvertement les poncifs du genre, quitte a irriter son lecteur dont les attentes semblent sans cesse decues. L'incipit du roman, demeure celebre, donne le ton: Comment s'etaient-ils rencontres? Par hasard, comme tout le monde. Comment s'appelaient-ils? Que vous importe?...
Jacques le fataliste et son maitre est un dialogue philosophique (entre Jacques et son maitre) de Denis Diderot dont l'ecriture s'etend de 1765 jusqu'...