Have you ever asked yourself how our diverse nation got along to begin with and why we were able to work with one another up until the last fifty years? First, let's just state the obvious: The religious, agnostics and atheists aren't leaving the country any time soon. 70 Years of American Captivity reveals documentary proof of a non-sectarian covenant agreement, which applies to all Americans within our Federal Compact. You'll learn how our diverse nation got along and continued to work out our differences while making it a birthplace of liberty and ingenuity. It takes a non-judgmental...
Have you ever asked yourself how our diverse nation got along to begin with and why we were able to work with one another up until the last fifty y...
Have you ever asked yourself how our diverse nation got along to begin with and why we were able to work with one another up until the last fifty years? First, let's just state the obvious: The religious, agnostics and atheists aren't leaving the country any time soon. 70 Years of American Captivity reveals documentary proof of a non-sectarian covenant agreement which applies to all Americans within our Federal Compact. You'll learn how our diverse nation got along and continued to work out our differences while making it a birthplace of liberty and ingenuity. It takes a non-judgmental...
Have you ever asked yourself how our diverse nation got along to begin with and why we were able to work with one another up until the last fifty y...