THE NEXT VERSE POETS MIXTAPE is a poetry sampler of ethnographic significance. 4 poets represented by 4 poems each offer insight into the shared experiences of black Americans in today's political and social climate. Poems such as "Notes to a Little Black Boy," "Seven Ways of Looking at Black Flowers," and "How to Nullify a Super Hero" speak loudly about negotiating the delicate promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In addition, poems like "Lamb & Vodka," "Drum Lesson," "Nostalgia," and "Once, When We Were Not Gods" highlight place and its lingering presence in our beings...
THE NEXT VERSE POETS MIXTAPE is a poetry sampler of ethnographic significance. 4 poets represented by 4 poems each offer insight into the shared ex...
A LETTER OF RESIGNATION is a meditation on American history informed by the Black experience in the United States and neighboring island republics. This musically-infused libretto is addressed to History as a Republic, in which certain moments and individuals have been vetted and elected to convey a message that consistently denigrates more than it celebrates what it is to be American Black. Part Blues, part Jazz, part Hip-Hop, this book-length poem is a sound declaration from a tired, fed-up and "woke" generation.
A LETTER OF RESIGNATION is a meditation on American history informed by the Black experience in the United States and neighboring island republics....