This fictional mystery novel is based on a true murder that occurred on the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona. Threats, intrigues, and frightening experiences unfold as feisty Sarah Simms seeks the truth behind her brother's disappearance. In her search for justice, Sarah's sense of humor, curiosity, and fortitude serve her well as she struggles to untangle cover-ups, botched investigations, and conflicts among law enforcement agencies. However, Sarah never expected to encounter vengeful spirits unleashed from the Navajo underworld to spin a web of evil that would enmesh her family. This...
This fictional mystery novel is based on a true murder that occurred on the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona. Threats, intrigues, and frightenin...
Dance of the Demon is the sequel to Curse of the Chindi, Sandra Fendler's first novel, which is based on a true murder mystery on the Navajo Reservation. While on vacation, Sarah Simms meets Clint Walkerman, a former Texas Ranger. When the newly married couple visits the abandoned trading post where Sarah's brother was murdered, they embark on an odyssey that ultimately leads them across the Arizona-New Mexico border to a time-warped secluded village within the Black Range. As she searches for the person or persons responsible, Sarah realizes that the Chindi's curse continues to haunt her....
Dance of the Demon is the sequel to Curse of the Chindi, Sandra Fendler's first novel, which is based on a true murder mystery on the Navajo Reservati...