Are you a college student or soon to become one? How substantial is your faith in Christ? What does your faith look like right now, and will it be intact, damaged, or nonexistent when you graduate? How do you apply what the Bible says to your college experience while submerged in a godless culture?
Gods Word, the Bible, provides insight for mental, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual survival. Cheryl J. Harris-Woods presents exciting and comprehensive answers from Gods Word in the pages of The Christians College Survival Guide!
Are you a college student or soon to become one? How substantial is your faith in Christ? What does your faith look like right now, and will it be ...
Are you a college student or soon to become one? How substantial is your faith in Christ? What does your faith look like right now, and will it be intact, damaged, or nonexistent when you graduate? How do you apply what the Bible says to your college experience while submerged in a godless culture?
Gods Word, the Bible, provides insight for mental, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual survival. Cheryl J. Harris-Woods presents exciting and comprehensive answers from Gods Word in the pages of The Christians College Survival Guide!
Are you a college student or soon to become one? How substantial is your faith in Christ? What does your faith look like right now, and will it be ...