A book for babies and toddlers with images and words of pets, farm, and wild animals. It also contains parent-child projects like coloring and connecting dots figures. Every page contributes in increasing a kid's vocabulary in a very enjoyable way. It makes a perfect gift for your little one between the ages of 1 and 3.
A book for babies and toddlers with images and words of pets, farm, and wild animals. It also contains parent-child projects like coloring and connect...
A fully illustrated book about very basic vocabulary building for babies and toddlers ages 1 to 3. It introduces words related to mom, dad, kids and some of the activities they do together. The images should fascinate your child and encourage him or her to continue expanding their knowledge of the English language. This is the first book in a series of "first words" revolving around different subjects of interest to kids.
A fully illustrated book about very basic vocabulary building for babies and toddlers ages 1 to 3. It introduces words related to mom, dad, kids and s...