This book is in response to the continual onslaught of the militant LGBT community. It is clear to see in our nation and throughout the world that the rise of the militant LBGT community is moving at an ever increasing pace, being endorsed by the mass media, as well as corrupt politicians and judges. This book is an attempt to give the born again Christian believer the tools they need to overcome the lust of the flesh as well as tactics that the Militant LGBT community is imposing specifically in the United States of America. It is no secret that towards the end of the civilizations or in...
This book is in response to the continual onslaught of the militant LGBT community. It is clear to see in our nation and throughout the world that the...
This Book is Dedicated to those struggling to break free from the oppression, lies, fear, and anxiety that the devil attempts to ensnare the Children of God with to discourage them from walking in Faith and Fulfilling their Destiny . . . God is Waiting Right Now For You To Believe His Word & Take a Step of Faith Chapters Include The Following. . . . Table of Contents -Invitation -Dedication -Forward -Chapter 1: Understanding Your Enemy -Chapter 2: I Can't -Chapter 3: It's Not Fair -Chapter 4: I Don't Have The Time -Chapter 5: I Don't Have The Money -Chapter 6: It's Okay -Chapter 7: It's No...
This Book is Dedicated to those struggling to break free from the oppression, lies, fear, and anxiety that the devil attempts to ensnare the Children ...