The true story of the foiling of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and al Qaeda plot to bomb the 2010 FIFA World Cup, in South Africa, and how it was foiled based, in part, on the memoir of John Banks, a former DSO undercover agent with a controversial history. In 2008, during an undercover operation involving Chris Dalcros, the 2nd largest cocaine importer into South Africa at the time, it is John's murky past in the worlds of mercenary recruitment and espionage that alerts him to the true nature of the people Dalcros is now involved with. But all is far from well with the operation. For one thing the...
The true story of the foiling of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and al Qaeda plot to bomb the 2010 FIFA World Cup, in South Africa, and how it was foiled based, ...