This volume investigates Irish experiences of medicine and health during the First and Second World Wars, War of Independence and Civil War. It examines the physical, mental and emotional impact of conflict on Irish political and social life, as well as medical, scientific and official interventions in Irish health matters.
The contributors pose a number of core questions: what made Irish medical and health experiences unique? Did the financial exigencies of war impact detrimentally on Irish healthcare provision? How were the psychological and emotional responses to war...
This volume investigates Irish experiences of medicine and health during the First and Second World Wars, War of Independence and Civil War. It exa...
The study explores the factors that encouraged Ireland's medical personnel to join the British Army medical services and uncovers how Irish hospital governors, in the face of increasing staff shortages and economic inflation, ensured that Ireland's voluntary hospital network survived the war.
The study explores the factors that encouraged Ireland's medical personnel to join the British Army medical services and uncovers how Irish hospital g...