Pilots and aviation enthusiasts will be captivated by the intriguing investigation of popular myths surrounding the field of aviation safety in "Murder in a 172."
John A. Shewmaker, DO, uses actual narratives from National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigations of Cessna 172 crashes to debunk commonly held understandings of plane crash fatalities-particularly the belief that few fatalities have underlying medical causes.
Shewmaker destroys the myth that very few fatal general aviation accidents have medical causes, exploring over 200 fatal events in the most widespread...
Pilots and aviation enthusiasts will be captivated by the intriguing investigation of popular myths surrounding the field of aviation safety in "Mu...
Imagine being an aviation medical examiner who's asked what the Federal Aviation Administration thinks about pilot candidates taking acid. What about a pilot trying to fake his way through a vision exam by memorizing what the vision chart says?
Those are just two of the anecdotes shared by John A. Shewmaker, DO, a senior aviation medical examiner who's performed more than ten thousand aviation medical exams. Shewmaker shares all, including advice on how to pass an aviation medical exam, in "Flying Under the Weather."
Learn how best to pass a medical flight exam and keep your status...
Imagine being an aviation medical examiner who's asked what the Federal Aviation Administration thinks about pilot candidates taking acid. What abo...
From the author of Murder in a 172 and Flying under the Weather comes a fact-based expose of the errors of the National Transportation Safety Board in investigating aviation accidents.
You hear all about the investigations for the well-publicized plane crashes. The NTSB addresses these cases with aplomb, delving deep into the mechanical issues and even bringing in non-NTSB investigators to cover themselves under the eye of Congress. But what about general aviation-the realm of the highest number of deaths?
Flight physician John A. Shewmaker argues in Head in...
From the author of Murder in a 172 and Flying under the Weather comes a fact-based expose of the errors of the National Transportatio...