EDIT: Updates for 2017 Added more spells, illustrations and a glossary. I compiled this Book of Shadows from a collection of spells I have been using since I started down my path. This book contains over 100 spells, a list of runes, how they can be used in spell casting and even crafting your own spells. I've collected these spells from several different sources, mostly from witches I have met in my travels and covens I have been a part of. I've tweaked a few of these spells to fit my needs from time to time and you can do the same as the words aren't what give the spells power, your energy...
EDIT: Updates for 2017 Added more spells, illustrations and a glossary. I compiled this Book of Shadows from a collection of spells I have been using...
2017 mettre a jour: Nouvelle traduction amelioree Bonjour, je m'appelle Brittany Nightshade et j'ai voyage ici et la dans ma recherche d'illumination spirituelle, tandis que pendant mon voyage j'ai fait de mon mieux pour garder une trace ecrite des rituels et de toute la magie que j'ai apprise en chemin. J'ai utilise ces notes pour rediger mon propre livre des ombres, mon propre grimoire. Ce grimoire est un grand assortiment de magies noire, rouge et blanche pour les lanceurs de sorts debutants et experimentes. Que vous utilisiez ces sorts pour creer les votres ou que vous les utilisiez tel...
2017 mettre a jour: Nouvelle traduction amelioree Bonjour, je m'appelle Brittany Nightshade et j'ai voyage ici et la dans ma recherche d'illumination ...
Merry meet I'm Brittany Nightshade of the Atrum Angelus coven. I have spent many years traveling and learning about the Craft of Magick. One area of Magick that is typically shied away from by practitioners is Black Magick. The Rule of Three amongst other things such as the Wiccan Reed's validity have been debated for decades and it's considered taboo by the majority of the community. That being said it is still openly practiced and I myself find The Dark Arts to be a magnificent way to reach your full potential. I've taken the section of my Book of Shadows pertaining to Black Magick,...
Merry meet I'm Brittany Nightshade of the Atrum Angelus coven. I have spent many years traveling and learning about the Craft of Magick. One area of ...