While living in the old inn of Nemeste, James discovers that he and his parents are not the only ones calling the inn home. On the third floor lives a mysteriously old lady named Rionzi DuCret. Though Rionzi is feared by the villagers and confined to her room, she and James strike up an unlikely friendship and soon discover that they have both befriended leafy, mushroom footed creatures in the woods called 'Fidoris.' But the friendship is threatened as Rionzi grows suspicious of James's claim of a certain Fidori sighting. How could he have found out about her deepest secret? Have the...
While living in the old inn of Nemeste, James discovers that he and his parents are not the only ones calling the inn home. On the third floor lives a...
When Rionzi realizes James has not lied about meeting one of the leafy mushroom footed creatures that live on the top of the trees, their friendship is restored. The pair sets off deep into the heart of the forest to find their common friend, the Fidori. Lurking in the shadows, Simputus watches them inch closer and closer to her lair. Her heart brimming with hate, she will do anything to stop them from discovering her most precious possession.
James and Rionzi have to summon the greatest depths of their courage and use their wits to undo the many traps she lays out before them...but...
When Rionzi realizes James has not lied about meeting one of the leafy mushroom footed creatures that live on the top of the trees, their friendshi...
James, Rionzi and Saleem, the old innkeeper, have successfully rescued Zintar the Fidori from Simputus and her poisonous purple flowers. Zintar is now hidden in Rionzis apartment on the top floor of the old inn. But he cant stay there for long. Simputus has been planting fear throughout the village of NemestE. The villagers are becoming increasingly suspicious of Rionzi and are watching her more carefully than ever. How will the gang of friends sneak Zintar out of the inn and into the forest? With Simputus lurking in the shadows, what dangers await them on their journey to the treetops?...
James, Rionzi and Saleem, the old innkeeper, have successfully rescued Zintar the Fidori from Simputus and her poisonous purple flowers. Zintar is ...