Following the unfortunate death of his parents, young Toby Matthias finds himself living a carefree life on Piper Cay, an Out Island in the Bahamas, at his grandparents' inn. Isolated from children his own age, Toby develops a deep and lasting friendship with an unlikely companion: a bottlenose dolphin.
A heartwarming tale, The Boy and the Dolphin follows the tropical adventures of Toby and Phinney as they make sense of life in the mid-fifties. When Toby is sent to complete his education in the States and Phinney immerses herself more deeply in her dolphin culture, the best...
Following the unfortunate death of his parents, young Toby Matthias finds himself living a carefree life on Piper Cay, an Out Island in the Bahamas...
After serving his country with distinction as a senior officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, Stewart Masterson is rewarded with detention in an assisted living facility by a government agency concerned with his advancing Alzheimer's disease. Longing for his late wife of forty-seven years, Masterson makes his getaway from the facility and finds himself on the road with limited resources, trying to negotiate his way from Florida to his daughter in Maryland, the only place where he feels he can find happiness and relevance. With three U.S. government agencies and the intelligence...
After serving his country with distinction as a senior officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, Stewart Masterson is rewarded with detention in a...