"We have presented to you in Part 1 the answers to forty questions on the Holy Bible.
In this, Part 2, we answer 35 theological and dogmatic questions asked by many people.
We tried to give simple answers without any complications and as far as possible brief concentrated answers.
We shall further publish – God willing – the most important questions we answered on various subjects. Perhaps you would like to obtain the whole series. So we shall meet again in the other publications."
Pope Shenouda III
"We have presented to you in Part 1 the answers to forty questions on the Holy Bible.
In this, Part 2, we answer 35 theological and dogmatic ...
"At all the meetings in which I speak, I am presented with questions to answer, whether in the weekly public meetings or in lectures which I give to the students of the Theological College.
Out of thousands of questions, I have chosen for you a group which could be said to be the most frequently asked and the most important, in order to publish their answers in this series of books.
The Part 1 was concerned with questions relating to the Holy Bible, the second with questions of theology and doctrine, while this third deals with spiritual and general problems. A fourth Part has...
"At all the meetings in which I speak, I am presented with questions to answer, whether in the weekly public meetings or in lectures which I give t...
"This book explains the view of our Orthodox church regarding the Nature of Christ.
It tells you that it is One Nature formed of two natures, united without mixture, nor mingling, not confused…. perfect Divinity and perfect Humanity. We do not speak of two natures after their being united in the Virgin’s womb.
What verses of the Holy Bible prove this? What do we understand from examples of the indivisability between iron and fire and between the soul and the body? What verses on the term “Son of Man” do prove the One Nature?
What about the One...
"This book explains the view of our Orthodox church regarding the Nature of Christ.
It tells you that it is One Nature formed of two natures,...