"This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems by a very important Romanian woman poet: Passionaria Stoicescu"
(...) Se ştie că sinceritatea nu este o calitate estetică in sine, dar in absenţa ei orice gest artistic devine simplu artificiu. In poezia Passionariei Stoicescu, sinceritatea mărturisirii este chiar izvorul ce alimentează discursul liric şi ii conferă tensiune. Acumulările existenţiale convertite in atitudini şi convingeri morale sunt materia vie ce trebuie să ia forma...
"This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems by a very important Romanian woman poet: Passionaria Sto...
Passionaria Stoicescu Muguras Maria Petrescu David Paul Vnuck
Passionaria Stoicescuis a major Romanian poet and writer, author of more than 60 books. Important literary critics have praised the qualities of her work. Here are just a very few excerpts of their writings:
Passionaria Stoicescu is obviously a daring poetess. If one notices the numerous accents that can be found in the passion she offers, in her steadfastness, ardor, amazement, confession, risk, aspiration, mental transformations, infiltrations in the immaculate, a sort of disappointment, interrogation, absolutism of innocence, and consumption of incorruptibility,...
Passionaria Stoicescuis a major Romanian poet and writer, author of more than 60 books. Important literary critics have praised the qu...