Esta e uma antologia de mais de 150 poemas, escritos entre os anos de 2001 e 2015, que nunca quis publicar. Se o faco agora, e para o prazer de todos aqueles que a quiserem ler."
Esta e uma antologia de mais de 150 poemas, escritos entre os anos de 2001 e 2015, que nunca quis publicar. Se o faco agora, e para o prazer de todos ...
This Masters' dissertation, originally presented in Portuguese at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), has as its main goal reconstructing the multiple events which took place during the episodes of the central section of the Trojan Cycle, that is, all the episodes which occurred between the end of the plot of "Iliad" and beginning of the "Odyssey." With the goal of reaching that primary objective we will resort to the establishment of multiple intertextualities and to the reading of diverse iconographic sources. This work will begin by succinctly debating the existence of some fragilities...
This Masters' dissertation, originally presented in Portuguese at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), has as its main goal reconstructing the multip...