Ihre kompakte Anleitung zum fundamentalem Computer programmieren In einer von Technologien dominierten Welt scheint es notig sich stetig weiterzubilden und Gelerntes in die Praxis umzusetzen. Mit dem Beginn des Computerzeitalters scheint nun alles automatisch immer einfacher zu werden. Was wir heutzutage genieen konnen und immense Vorteile fur unseren Alltag erhalten, wurde von einer kleinen Anzahl an intelligenten Individuen in Form von Computerprogrammen entwickelt. Gehoren Sie den leidenschaftlichen Individuen an, welche zu der Computerwelt...
Ihre kompakte Anleitung zum fundamentalem Computer programmieren In einer von Technologien dominierten Welt scheint es notig sich...
It is often taken for granted that modernity emerged in Europe and diffused from there across the world. This book questions that assumption and re-examines the question of European modernity in the light of world history.
Bo Strath and Peter Wagner re-position Europe in the global context of the 19th and 20th centuries. They show that Europe is less modern than has been assumed, and modernity less European and thus decentre Europe in a way that makes room for a wider historical perspective. Adopting a thematic structure, the authors reconceive the idea of European modernity in...
It is often taken for granted that modernity emerged in Europe and diffused from there across the world. This book questions that assumption and re...
It is often taken for granted that modernity emerged in Europe and diffused from there across the world. This book questions that assumption and re-examines the question of European modernity in the light of world history.
Bo Strath and Peter Wagner re-position Europe in the global context of the 19th and 20th centuries. They show that Europe is less modern than has been assumed, and modernity less European and thus decentre Europe in a way that makes room for a wider historical perspective. Adopting a thematic structure, the authors reconceive the idea of European modernity in...
It is often taken for granted that modernity emerged in Europe and diffused from there across the world. This book questions that assumption and re...