In Marlon Kobacker's most recent publication, "Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design," the sustainability expert details specific techniques to remove capital cost barriers preventing projects from reaching the low-carbon performance aspirations of the 2015 Paris Agreement. While detailing how capital costs effectively create an obstacle to the implementation of low-carbon initiatives, Mr. Kobacker discusses the implications of failing to implement them on an industry-wide scale. The internationally renowned sustainability expert then outlines specific techniques to...
In Marlon Kobacker's most recent publication, "Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design," the sustainability expert details sp...
In Marlon Kobacker's most recent publication, "Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design," the sustainability advisory expert details the specific nature of the capital cost barrier along with the limitations it threatens to impose on sustainable building design if not properly addressed. While discussing the context in which certain capital costs effectively create an obstacle to the implementation of sustainable building and design practices, Mr. Kobacker discusses many of the misconceptions and erroneous beliefs that must first be dispelled before any other steps can...
In Marlon Kobacker's most recent publication, "Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design," the sustainability advisory expert d...