In this prequel to the hit science fiction crime drama anime series, Psycho-Pass: Inspector Shinya Kogami reveals how the legendary Enforcer was once an ace detective Working within the city-regulating Sybil System, Inspectors must fight crime in a future where a single number measures your criminal tendencies and determines if you are useful to society An artificial organ with a numbered brand is the key piece of evidence that leads Section 3 to a network of organ smuggling They must set up a complicated trap in order to catch the culprit However the real perpetrator may not...
In this prequel to the hit science fiction crime drama anime series, Psycho-Pass: Inspector Shinya Kogami reveals how the legendary Enforcer wa...
The manga prequel to the acclaimed anime series The Psycho-Pass made a better future society possible: a universal fitness app that tracks people's emotional health. But when crime becomes rare, it also becomes stranger and more dangerous than ever...and in the 22nd century the only "safe" job for a person on the borderline is as a cop--kept on a virtual leash as they hunt down the criminals they may soon become themselves Kogami's team has learned that the hospital where patients have died due to a genetic timer set in them decades ago was a "privileged" residence for the...
The manga prequel to the acclaimed anime series The Psycho-Pass made a better future society possible: a universal fitness app that tracks people's <...