Todos tenemos una celebracion en algun momento de nuestra vida queremos lucir lo mejor posible por. Puede ser una boda, reunion de secundaria o de vacaciones. Por que no usar esa excusa para recuperar la salud de forma permanente? Introduzca su motivo para iniciar este programa en la portada. En su interior encontrara consejos de salud y una guia directa que puede seguir todos los dias o cada dos dias. El objetivo de este programa es crear habitos saludables que se pueden mantener por el resto de su vida. Para mas informacion visite
Todos tenemos una celebracion en algun momento de nuestra vida queremos lucir lo mejor posible por. Puede ser una boda, reunion de secundaria o de vac...
It has been estimated that 3.7 million people in America are living with an undiagnosed heart condition. I lost my Dad suddenly to undiagnosed heart disease in 2007. I always think about what he could have done differently to change the outcome. I became a health coach in 2015 so that I could prevent other people from experiencing the same traumatic loss. I created this book with the hope that I could save or extend the life of at least one person who may also have undiagnosed heart disease or other diseases brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle. Everyone knows that a healthy diet and exercise...
It has been estimated that 3.7 million people in America are living with an undiagnosed heart condition. I lost my Dad suddenly to undiagnosed heart d...