Captain Kidd and the Jersey Devil, is set in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and based on actual, historical New Jersey folklore. When Captain Kidd III becomes a pirate out of water after a battle gone wrong along the Batsto River, he must discover his past in order to save his future.
The fourteen-year-old captain has returned to the New Jersey Pine Barrens on a dangerous journey to avenge his father's death. All turns to bedlam when Kidd meets the dangerous and protective local Pineys, who live along the Batsto. Worse still, his best friend, Black Dog, a poodle...
Captain Kidd and the Jersey Devil, is set in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and based on actual, historical New Jersey folklore. When Capt...
Captain Kidd and the Jersey Devil, is set in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and based on actual, historical New Jersey folklore. When Captain Kidd III becomes a pirate out of water after a battle gone wrong along the Batsto River, he must discover his past in order to save his future.
The fourteen-year-old captain has returned to the New Jersey Pine Barrens on a dangerous journey to avenge his father's death. All turns to bedlam when Kidd meets the dangerous and protective local Pineys, who live along the Batsto. Worse still, his best friend, Black Dog, a poodle...
Captain Kidd and the Jersey Devil, is set in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and based on actual, historical New Jersey folklore. When Capt...