The story of mans evolution revolves round a twist of primitiveness and civilization in successive cycles permeated by intolerance, dominance, horror, wars, and death. Hardly is there any time in the history of man that there is no war or conflict of some sort. Peace has largely eluded man. The book Broken Lamp is a collection of poems which captures the state of our world; a world besieged by greed, aggression, materialism, idolatry, dominance and bloodshed. It brings to the fore the intrigues of the course of humanity severely perverted and on a path to collision and catastrophe, and there...
The story of mans evolution revolves round a twist of primitiveness and civilization in successive cycles permeated by intolerance, dominance, horror,...
The story of mans evolution revolves round a twist of primitiveness and civilization in successive cycles permeated by intolerance, dominance, horror, wars, and death. Hardly is there any time in the history of man that there is no war or conflict of some sort. Peace has largely eluded man. The book Broken Lamp is a collection of poems which captures the state of our world; a world besieged by greed, aggression, materialism, idolatry, dominance and bloodshed. It brings to the fore the intrigues of the course of humanity severely perverted and on a path to collision and catastrophe, and there...
The story of mans evolution revolves round a twist of primitiveness and civilization in successive cycles permeated by intolerance, dominance, horror,...